Acid attack victims, disabled to get quotas in govt jobs
What's the story
The government has finalized reservation in central government jobs for people with autism, mental illness, intellectual disability and acid attack victims.
In case of direct recruitment, four instead of 3% in groups A, B and C shall be reserved for those with benchmark disabilities.
This comes after the passage of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act was passed in December'16
The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 increased the number of recognized disabilities from seven to 21, including low-vision, dwarfism, thalassemia, speech and language disability and acid attack victims.
Those with benchmark disabilities (over 40% of a specific disability) were allotted reservation in education, government jobs, welfare schemes etc.
Reservation in government establishments was also increased from 3% to 4% for certain classes.
DoPT urges central government departments to follow Act's provisions
The Department of Personnel and Training has now written to all central government departments to ensure 1% of each post is reserved for those with visual or hearing impairment, locomotor disability, leprosy-cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy.
1% will also be reserved for autistic, intellectually disabled, specific learning disabled and mentally ill people.
All complaints to be looked into within two months
All government organizations will have to appoint 'grievance redressal officers,' who will maintain a register of complaints over discrimination in employment.
The register will name the person against whom the complaint is made, the complainant's name as well as date of disposal.
Every complaint will have to be looked into within two months. The action taken shall be conveyed to the complainant.
Horizontal reservation to cut across vertical reservation
The DoPT has asserted that horizontal reservation (reservation for PwD categories and ex-servicemen) cuts across vertical reservation (reservation for SC/ST/OBC).
"Persons selected against the quota for persons with benchmark disabilities have to be placed in the appropriate category viz SC/ST/OBC/General candidates," it said.
This is to ensure reservation for PwD doesn't have to be adjusted against posts meant for SC/ST/OBC.