Maharashtra plastic ban: Industry stares at loss of 3L jobs
What's the story
The state-wide plastic ban, including carry-bags and thermocol by Maharashtra government, will result in loss of up to Rs 15,000 crore and nearly 3 lakh job, says the plastic manufacturing industry.
Industry insiders have said the job losses from the ban will impact the state's GDP, and also increase banks' bad loans from the plastic sector.
The ban was imposed by Maharashtra from Saturday.
The state announced a ban on plastic on March 23
In March, the state announced a ban on manufacture, use, sale, distribution and storage of plastic materials. The government had given 3-months to dispose of the existing stocks, which ended on June-23.
Civic authorities have imposed a fine of Rs. 5,000 for first-time and Rs. 10,000 for second-time offenders. Third-time offenders will face a fine of Rs. 25,000, along with a three-month imprisonment.
Plastic Bags Manufacturers Association of India's concern
"The ban imposed by Maharashtra from Saturday has hit the industry very hard and the plastic industry is staring at a loss of Rs. 15,000 crore, leaving nearly 3 lakh people jobless overnight," Plastic Bags Manufacturers Association of India General Secretary Neemit Punamiya said.