Independence Day 2024: Creative ways to wish people today
What's the story
Today is Independence Day and what would be a better occasion to celebrate the amazing history and culture of our great nation?
Naturally, you will want to greet your family, friends, and well-wishers.
So, this Independence Day, let go of cliches and try these five creative ways to wish your loved ones.
Send personalized and inspirational text messages
Since it is a national holiday, and you will most probably be staying home, meeting everyone personally to wish them might be too much to ask for.
Instead, what you can do is create personalized text messages on WhatsApp, or other instant messaging services.
Put its amazing set of stickers and GIFs to use, this I-Day, to wish your friends and relatives.
#2: If you're working, pen a note for people around
If you are working this I-Day or would not be staying home for some reason, take out some time to pen down inspiring notes for people around you, and pin them to their work desk/table, to make this I-Day special.
Plan creative gifts; Host a get together with your friends
Gifts: Alternatively, you can also hand your friends and loved ones a gift each, that is reminiscence of both your bond together and the patriotic feels of the occasion.
Get together: If it has been long since you and your friends last caught up, I-Day could be great occasion. Prepare lunch for your friends, or go on a binge-watching spree.
Do you know?
#5: Go for community service, help the needy this I-Day
This I-Day, take the opportunity to help the ones who need it the most. Head out early morning with your mates and clean the surroundings. Or you can offer some food or clothing to the poor. Commit to making this nation a better place.