Ramdev calls allopathy 'stupid science', Medical Association demands his prosecution
What's the story
The Indian Medical Association (IMA) angrily hit out at yoga guru Baba Ramdev Saturday, demanding strict action against him over his derogatory comments on allopathy, claiming the modern medicine is "stupid science" due to which lakhs have died.
Ramdev's insensitive remarks came even as countless doctors and other healthcare personnel continue to risk their lives every day to save others amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Viral video
What exactly did Baba Ramdev say about allopathy?
In a video going viral on social media, Ramdev can be seen saying, "Allopathy is a stupid, lame science. First, hydroxychloroquine failed. Then, Remdesivir, Ivermectin, and plasma therapy failed. Other antibiotics including Fabiflu and steroids too failed."
He even blames allopathic drugs for the death of many, saying, "We have lost lakhs of people (COVID-19 patients) due to allopathic medicines...rather than shortage of oxygen."
Twitter Post
Watch Ramdev calling allopathy 'stupid science'
Yoga guru claiming Allopathy as stupid science. This pandemic brings new shock every day. pic.twitter.com/1W9ojVOIGY
— Subhasree Ray (@DrSubhasree) May 21, 2021
Take action against Ramdev, he deserves to be prosecuted: IMA
The IMA has issued a statement today, condemning Ramdev's statements on allopathy and urging Health and Family Welfare Minister, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, to take action against him under the Epidemic Diseases Act.
It said Ramdev "deserves to be prosecuted" for disobeying the law and "causing danger" to the lives of many, making people believe his claims and advising them to not take allopathic drugs.
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Here's the official statement of the IMA
IMA HQs Press Release on 22.05.2021 pic.twitter.com/rrc1LXA24n
— Indian Medical Association (@IMAIndiaOrg) May 22, 2021
On Ramdev
Controversies on Coronil and Swasari are well-known facts: IMA
The IMA also noted Ramdev, in the past too, called modern medical doctors "murderers" in the Health Minister's presence on the pretext of releasing "wonder drugs" against COVID-19.
It said Ramdev is a "corporate giant of a pharmaceutical unit" who made "false claims about his company products" to mislead people, adding, "The controversies on Coronil and Swasari (his company Patanjali's drugs) are well-known facts."
'Enough is enough,' says IMA
The IMA stated, "Enough is enough. With the pain and agony of loss of 1,200 modern medicine doctors, amidst limited infrastructure and manpower, the majority of modern medicine doctors are working in the frontline with a sense of compassion (sic)."
Ramdev misleading the public to sell illegal drugs
"His (Ramdev's) quote about Favipiravir as medicine against fever/antipyretic is laughable, childish and demonstrates his in-depth scientific knowledge," said IMA.
It said, "It is a well-known fact...the said Yoga Guruji and his associate Shri Balkrishna Ji have been taking Modern Medical Allopathy treatment as and when they get into illness," adding he is now misleading the public to "sell his illegal and unapproved drugs."
IMA furious
Ramdev wants to make money at the cost of public
"All this is done by Swami Ramdev to take advantage of the situation and create a false sense of fear and frustration within the public," said the statement signed by IMA National President Dr. JA Jayalal and Honorary Secretary General Dr. Jayesh Lele.
It said he's doing this to sell "illegal and unapproved so-called medicines" and "make money at the cost of the public."
'Prosecute him'
Dissolve modern medical facility or boldly prosecute Ramdev: IMA
The IMA said the statements made by Ramdev also challenge the wisdom and integrity of "time-tested icons" like the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Drug Controller General of India (DCGI), and the Health Ministry.
It said Dr. Vardhan—who himself practices modern medicine—should "either accept the challenge and accusation" of Ramdev and "dissolve the modern medical facility" or "boldly face and prosecute" him.
IMA will go to court if Health Minister doesn't act
The IMA warned if the Health Minister doesn't take suo moto action, it will "resort to democratic means of struggle to propagate the truth...and knock on the doors of the judiciary to get due justice."
"The Healthcare of the country should be handled by a professional in a professional way. Treating unscientific illiteracy with deaf ears and blind eyes is hardly professionalism," it concluded.
IMA Dwarka
Belittled the sacrifice of more than 1,200 doctors: IMA Dwarka
IMA Dwarka, Delhi, also issued a statement earlier, saying it strongly condemns Ramdev's statements against allopathic science and medical doctors. It said, "He has belittled the sacrifice of more than 1,200 doctors."
"His derogatory and unparliamentary words against doctors are uncalled for and has demotivated whole fraternity... This hate speech during this time can damage social & scientific fabric of nation (sic)," it said.
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Take a look at what IMA Dwarka posted on Twitter
this self proclaimed businessmen baba is spreading hatred misinformation regarding science also damaging crucial doctor - patients relationships.
— Indian Medical Association Dwarka , Delhi (@IMAdwarka) May 21, 2021
This hate speech during this time can damage social scientific fabric of nation We strongly condemn Ramdev for his speech