Things one should understand, before judging the LGBTQ community
What's the story
For the longest time now, the LGBTQ community has been judged by heterosexual people. Why, you ask? Because, judging people different from us comes naturally to humans.
But, how are 'they' different from 'us'?
Or what really is the difference between sex and gender? They are often used interchangeably but they are two fundamentally different entities.
Here, we talk about Homosexuality 101.
Sex and Gender
First things first, what's the difference between sex and gender?
Sex is often confused with gender. Technically speaking, sex is a biological concept. On the other hand, gender deals with personal, societal and cultural perceptions of sexuality.
Largely speaking, there are three types of sexes: males, females and intersex - people who are born with both male and female genitalia.
As far as gender is concerned, there is a whole spectrum: Agender, Androgyne, Bigender, Genderqueer, to name a few.
Not necessarily gay
Before boxing, understand the difference between effeminate, pansy and butch
Further, terms like effeminate, pansy and butch, are behavioral and don't necessarily define one's sexual preferences.
For instance, a man who may be termed effeminate or pansy may not be gay or bisexual. He can very well be sexually attracted to a woman.
Similarly, a woman who is tomboyish (or a butch) might not necessarily be a lesbian or a bisexual.
Now, comes the question of sexuality
Before jumping guns, let's allow the science to talk.
Alfred Kinsey, also known as the father of the sexual revolution, created something called 'Kinsey scale'. It is essentially a method to describe the spectrum of human sexuality.
It ranges from 0 to 6. A value of 0 means you are exclusively heterosexual, and 6 implies you are exclusively homosexual.
It is important to remember that it is a spectrum, and not hard-coded.
Right to love
That's why, let's think before we speak
In conclusion, it is not a crime to be different. No law should dictate whom you or I wish to love.
The LGBTQ community is standing up for their right to love. If we can't support them, can we at least stop stereotyping them?
Pink is not for girls, and blue is not for boys. Let's embrace the differences.
Love is indeed love.