#HealthBytes: Natural home remedies to get relief from back pain
What's the story
Back pain is common. Studies suggest that as much as 80% adults experience back pain at least once in their lives.
And, it is troublesome- it hinders one's ability to carry out simple daily tasks.
Not just that, it also upsets our mental function and productivity.
Although, over-the-counter painkillers are available and are reasonably effective, natural remedies are always the better choice.
Here's more.
Exercise as a long-term solution
Taking rest might seem like the most obvious thing to do when you're suffering from back pain, but to get long-term relief, you must start exercising.
Exercising on a daily basis will help strengthen you core, relieve tense muscles, and release endorphins (the feel-good hormones), thus helping you fight back pain.
Doing simple aerobic exercises like running, biking, and swimming can work.
However, be sure to consult your doctor beforehand.
Use head and/or cold methods
A time-tested remedy to treat back pain is to use heat and/or cold packs to reduce tension.
Cooling methods, such as ice packs, can give instant relief from back pain caused due to injury. It is also effective in numbing inflammation.
In some cases, heat, in the form of heating pad or hot water bottle, can aid in relieving stiff or achy back muscles.
Get sufficient sleep
Disturbed or insufficient sleep can worsen your back pain.
If your pillows and mattresses are uncomfortable, get rid of them, and gift yourself new ones.
Also remember that depriving yourself of enough sleep isn't healthy. Get your daily quota of 7-9 hours of undisturbed night-time rest.
Certain sleeping postures could also be the culprit. To get yours right, talk to your doctor.
Shrink stress
Mental health and physical health go hand in hand.
Stress is known to trigger muscle tension and body pain, including in the back region.
So, give yourself a break from time to time. It will not only help relax your mind, but will also ensure your muscles stay healthy and happy.
Simple relaxing activities like meditating, deep breathing, and going for walks can help.
Good-old yoga to the rescue
In case your condition isn't severe, performing yoga asanas on a daily basis can help relieve backache.
This is because yoga can strengthen the back, stretch your muscles, and improve blood flow to the spine and nerves, thus resulting in better back health.
Some of the best backache-relieving yoga asanas are the Cat-cow pose, the Child's pose, the Downward dog, and the Plow-pose.
When to see a doctor?
If you stick to these home remedies, in a regular and patient manner, your back pain should soon be gone. However, if the ache persists or gets worse, you should see your doctor, who might recommend physical therapy, medication, or other treatments.