Here's how to obtain marriage certificate in India
What's the story
Having a marriage certificate is essential for married couples in India, as the document acts as the legal evidence of their marriage.
Couples must get their marriage registered, as it is essential for them to obtain a marriage certificate to avail of various services and facilities offered in the country.
Here's everything about marriage certificates and the procedure to get the same in India.
Importance of having marriage certificate
A marriage certificate helps an individual in proving they are legally married to someone, especially beneficial for getting a passport, visa, work permit, etc. if their spouse lives abroad.
It is also beneficial in availing of life insurance benefits, family pensions, bank deposits, etc., if their spouse dies without nomination and otherwise, too.
Courts may require marriage certificates in cases of divorce/legal separation/alimony/child custody.
There are 2 marriage acts in India
In India, there are two marriage acts: the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, and the Special Marriage Act, 1954.
The Hindu Marriage Act applies to marriages where both the husband and wife are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, or if they've converted to these religions.
The Special Marriage Act applies to marriages of individuals of any religion, including inter-religious marriages, and to Indians living abroad, too.
What documents are required for obtaining marriage certificates?
Documents required include an application form duly filled/signed by both spouses, their age proofs, passport-sized photos, one marriage photo, Aadhaar cards, address proof, and marriage invitation (if available).
A certificate from the priest (for marriages conducted in religious places) and a conversion certificate from the priest in cases where one of the parties is converted (under the Hindu Marriage Act) are also required.
Other important documents to submit
Both parties are also required to submit separate Marriage Affidavits. An attested copy of the divorce order (for divorcees) or the death certificate of the spouse (for widows/widowers) is necessary.
They should pay Rs. 100 fee to the district cashier in case of registration under the Hindu Marriage Act and Rs. 150 for the Special Marriage Act—this receipt should be attached to their application.
Marriages must be registered in jurisdictions where wedding took place
Couples who have already performed their marriage rituals and are applying to register their marriage later also come under the Special Marriage Act. Marriages under both the marriage acts must be registered in the concerned gram panchayat/municipality/corporation where the wedding took place.
Hindu Marriage Act
How to obtain marriage certificates under Hindu Marriage Act?
Under the Hindu Marriage Act, the application must be duly filled and signed by the husband and wife, along with two witnesses.
After document verification, they'll be allotted an appointment date.
The couple must appear before the sub-district magistrate along with a gazetted officer who has attended their wedding and sign in the marriage register. Their marriage certificate would be issued the same day.
Special Marriage Act
Registration under Special Marriage Act
For cases under the Special Marriage Act, once the application is submitted, there will be a 30-day notice period inviting objections.
A copy of the notice is displayed on the concerned office's noticeboard, and it is also sent to the addresses of both spouses.
Registration is done after the 30-day period. Both parties and three witnesses should be present on the day of registration.