#HealthBytes: 5 tips to achieve your New year fitness resolution
What's the story
2019 hits the calendars tomorrow!
The new year is a great point of time to plan and work out a new health strategy.
If you plan to get (and stay!) healthy in the coming year, you've laid the first stone- all you need is determination and hard work to get there.
Here are 5 tips to help you achieve your New year fitness resolution.
Eat healthy
First and foremost: A healthy diet
For starters, if you've not been eating healthy lately, you'll have to make rather dramatic changes in your diet plan.
A balanced and nutritious diet shall go a long way in making your year a healthy one.
Include more veggies and whole foods in your diet.
Let go of oily, fatty, and junk-foods.
So, say hello to salads and bid adieu to those fries!
Make exercise a ritual
The toughest part about starting to exercise is the starting part itself- once you get going, it only becomes easier.
So, make exercise a regular and religious part of your life, to stay healthy and fit in the long-run.
Consistency will take you places.
So, in the coming year, fight the excuses, and go for your daily work out session, like you mean it.
Smoking and drinking are a big no-no!
Those greens and gym sessions won't really help, if your lifestyle habits directly contradict your fitness plans. To protect your body the harm, and stay healthy in the true sense, you'll have to say goodbye to smoking, drinking and substance-abuse, once and for all.
Sleep & Recreation
Make time for rest and recreation
Getting proper rest is just as important as eating the right foods and exercising regularly, if not more, in order to achieve your fitness goal.
Assure yourself a regular sound sleep of at least 7-8 hours to let your body recover from the workout.
Also, build a consistent daily sleep schedule.
Not just that, regularly reward yourself with recreation and relaxing activities.
Do you know?
Keep track of your progress
Regularly check if your actual progress is in alignment with what you planned to achieve in the first place, and if the answer is a no, stop for a while and make the required changes.