Bengal: Thanks to technology, students of this village cleared board-exams
What's the story
Thanks to technology and dedication of professionals in different parts of the world, 30 Santhal students of Chandra High School near the Susunia Hills in Bankura, West Bengal, have passed 10th board exams, with flying colors.
To the students' rescue came EducateOneKid, a project founded by Rajib Das Sharma that has 20 volunteers from India, the US and Europe.
Here's their inspiring story.
The beginning
EducateOneKid: How the idea was born that turned students' lives
EducateOneKid has volunteers who are engineers, teachers, and senior students of IIT/IIMs.
In 2012, Das Sharma was volunteering for an orphanage in Kolkata, when someone took him to a school.
Earlier, he thought to give money for infrastructure but then realized imparting lessons using technology would be better.
Around Rs. 5L was spent on books, and other items and 'school' was put in place.
The feat
Started in 2013, the programme now benefits over 250 students
The project started in 2013 and has only grown since. Initially, it helped kids with books, bags, solar lanterns, computers, and Internet connection.
This year, the volunteers focused on creating video content. Lessons were given on how to download the content from cloud. The team plans to set up a science-laboratory by next year.
The programme benefits over 250 students in Bankura area.
Different time zones didn't affect students education, here's how
"The volunteers are based in different time zones. We network among ourselves to decide who will impart what lessons, who will teach real time and who will upload audio instructions," revealed Das Sharma.
The contribution of local teachers can't be denied either
The Chandra High School is a Bengali medium school but volunteers extended support to tribal Santhali students too.
The volunteers taught in Santhali if understanding Bengali got difficult. The programme helps students from classes 5 to 10.
On the ground, teachers Dharamdas Tudu and Paritosh Soren ensured classes were organized. Marangburu Chachoo Marshall Ashram 's Babunath Tudu and Lakshmi Tudu too helped.
The results
Project helps tribal kid score 80% in board exams
Amardeep Tudu, a Class 10 student, got over 80% in the Bengal Board Exams.
He told students attended distant teachers' class twice a day- before and after school on weekdays. On weekends, there were three classes.
"We got immense benefits especially in science subjects and English," the farmer's son said.
Das Sharma said English, which was students' weak point, has improved tremendously.