#HealthBytes: 7 healthy snacks to satisfy late night hunger pangs
What's the story
It's the middle of the night, and you can't sleep, because your stomach won't stop growling.
You'd most probably rush to the fridge and grab some cake or a leftover pizza slice.
Well, you shouldn't.
For health's sake- spicy, processed, sugary, oily foods and alcohol, caffeine should be avoided before bed.
So to help you, here are 7 healthy snacks to satisfy late-night hunger.
Put your love for popcorn to good use
Being sugar-free, fat-free, and low on calories, you can munch on as many popcorn as you want without having to worry about gaining weight.
Popped corn is mostly air, so it helps to keep excess hunger away without affecting your health.
Plus, popcorn is a great source of dietary fiber.
And being so easy-peasy to make, they're just too good for midnight snacking.
Tasty, juicy, and above all, healthy!
Grapes are one of the easiest snacks to get your hands on, during those midnight hunger pangs.
Talking about their healthy side, grapes, packed with antioxidants and potassium, are really good for your health.
And, they even help in slowing down the aging process.
Further, they can boost up both your eyesight and skin health.
A storehouse of nutrition, Oatmeal is sure to satisfy you
Amazingly filling and a storehouse of nutrition, oatmeal is sure to satisfy your late night hunger and that too, in a healthy way.
With oats, you get carbohydrates, fiber, copper, zinc, and Vitamins B1 and B5.
Other benefits of oatmeal are better skin health, and lower cholesterol levels.
Further, oats help in lowering down blood sugar levels, thereby helping you fight Type-2 Diabetes.
Handy plus healthy!
Nuts, being high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, make for a great snack option to be munched during the night hours.
So, mix up some cashews, almonds, pistachios, and walnuts and store in an airtight bowl to keep handy near your bed.
Just be sure to mind your intake as too much of nuts is obviously bad for health, given their calorie count.
Eggs, Yogurt
Get some eggs and yogurt into the system
Eggs: The world's favorite breakfast can come handy during late hours as well. Protein-rich, eggs will keep you full for long. Plus, they're easy to make- just boil a couple, and you're good to go.
Yogurt: Rich in protein and probiotics, natural (not sweetened or flavored) yogurt will help keep you full, improve your gut health, and prevent you from getting fat.
Chocolate lovers, rejoice!
Munch on some nice dark chocolate, when you feel hungry at odd, dark hours. It will not only help keep you full, but also to lose weight, reduce stress and get better sleep.