#HealthBytes: Top 5 food items to improve stamina
What's the story
To carry all your physical and mental tasks through the day, in an effective and efficient manner, you need strong stamina.
Bad news is not many people command strong stamina these days. Our increasingly packed schedules, sedentary lifestyles, and bad diet choices are to be blamed for this.
Here are top 5 food-items to improve your stamina and keep you energized throughout the day.
It's such an easy, inexpensive, yet power-packed food that it's simply impossible to resist it.
What makes bananas great for boosting stamina is that they are loaded with dietary fiber, potassium, protein, vitamins A, C, folate, and healthy fats.
An average sized banana has about 100 calories. So grab one on the go, or make a smoothie, to improve your energy levels instantly.
Nuts are handy, easy, and quick choice for those looking to enhance endurance.
A storehouse of calories, proteins, and good fats, you can score as much as 7 grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fats with intake of just a handful of nuts.
Another way to include them in your diet is by spreading nut butter on your fruits and breads.
Eggs are one of the world's favorite breakfast foods, and for good reason.
They supply enough energy and nutrients to keep one from thinking about food until everyone around has started rushing for lunch.
With just one whole egg, you get 75 calories, 5 grams of fat, and roughly 6 grams protein, plus the essential B-12 vitamin.
Go boil some now!
Not complete protein, but as compared to other grains (wheat and rice), oats are a good source of high-quality protein.
A half-cup of dry-oats (ie. 120 ml) will supply you with nearly 6 grams of protein and 4 grams fiber.
They also have decent amount of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and folate.
Above all, who doesn't love delicious oatmeal for breakfast?
Fatty fish
Fatty fishes (read salmon, tuna, mackerel) are great sources of protein, fatty acids, and essential vitamins, thus are amazing to improve your energy levels.
With just one serving of salmon/tuna, your daily quota of Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin B12 can be met.
The fatty acids are known to heal inflammation, a common cause for fatigue.
So, make them a part of your daily-diet.