#HealthBytes: Top 5 food-items that can help you quit smoking
What's the story
One of the worst addictions humankind suffers from, smoking is awfully bad for your mental and physical well-being. It can lead to life-threatening respiratory issues, cause strokes, and even dreadful cancers.
However, studies suggest that healthy lifestyle and dietary changes can help you get over it.
Here are top 5 food items to eat when you are trying to quit deadly 'cancer sticks'.
Smoking epidemic in India
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that 12% of global smokers come from India. Further, ten million plus tobacco-induced deaths are witnessed in India each year. Between 1998 and 2015, the number of smokers in India has jumped a frightening 36%, and reached 108 million.
Dairy and Nuts
Dairy: Studies have shown that consuming dairy items such as milk and yogurt makes cigarettes taste awful, particularly bitter, thus helping reduce smoke cravings. So, don't shy away from grabbing a glassful of milk when you feel like smoking the next time.
Nuts: Pop a couple of nuts, as they will keep your mouth busy, while also supplying you with essential nutrients and proteins.
Fruits & vegetables, Ginseng Tea
Fruits and veggies: Smoking curbs the absorption of important nutrients such as calcium and vitamins. Eating healthy fruits and veggies will help restore this smoking-induced nutrient deficit, and may also lead to reducing cravings. So, include them in your daily diet.
Ginseng: Consuming ginseng could help fight cravings as it weakens dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure obtained from smoking tobacco.
#5: Sugar-free gums and mints
Sugar-free gums and mints will help keep your mouth busy, thus helping you brush off the urge to smoke. It is advisable to keep some of these handy to be able to pop some, right as you feel like lighting it.
Other essential tips to quit smoking
Here are some essential tips to help you quit smoking:
1) Control alcohol intake because drinking will make reverting to smoking feel more, if not completely, normal.
2) Exercise regularly: Studies suggest that those who engage in regular physical activity feel a reduced urge to smoke.
3) Mind your company: Distant yourself from heavy smokers/drinkers.