#HealthBytes: Top 5 food items to gain healthy weight
What's the story
In a health (read appearance) conscious society, where everyone is obsessed with losing weight and getting as slim as life permits, there are many who would like to gain a bit of healthy weight.
If you're clinically underweight, or just want to gain some healthy weight, your food choices become crucial.
Here, we list top 5 food items that help you gain healthy weight.
Want faster results? Rice is here to help
To gain (healthy) weight, technically, all you need to do is get a good amount of (healthy) calories into the system on a daily basis.
A good choice is rice - a 100g bowl contains roughly 130 calories, which is a lot.
Additionally, rice is super-healthy, packed with essential vitamins, and is easily digestible.
What's more? It's really quick and easy to prepare.
Nuts/Nut butter
You'd be lying if you said you didn't like peanut-butter
Nuts are handy, easy, and quick choice for those looking to gain weight.
A storehouse of calories, proteins, and good fats, you can score as much as 7 grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fats with an intake of just a handful of nuts.
Another way to include them in your diet is by spreading nut butter on your fruits and breads.
Gain healthy weight, monkey style
It's such an easy, inexpensive, yet powerful weight-gain food that it's simply impossible to resist.
What makes bananas great for gaining healthy weight is that they come packed with dietary fiber, potassium, protein, vitamins A, C, folate, and healthy fats.
The average banana has about 100 calories, so grab one on the go, or make a smoothie.
More the milk, more the gain
Given the ease, the convenience, and the effectiveness of milk as a source of healthy weight gain, it comes as a no-brainer.
One good glass of full-fat milk is about 150 calories, and 8 grams of protein.
Additionally, it's rich in calcium, vitamins, and minerals.
Other alternatives include soy milk, and almond milk. Drink 1-2 glasses daily to start seeing faster results.
After all, any list about healthy-foods is incomplete without eggs
Eggs are one of the world's favorite breakfast foods, and for good reason.
They supply enough energy and nutrients to keep one from thinking about food until everyone around has started rushing for lunch.
With just one whole egg, you get 75 calories, 5 grams of fat, and roughly 6 grams protein, plus the essential B-12 vitamin.
Go boil some now!