#HealthBytes: 5 tips to get golden-glowing skin this summer season
What's the story
Everyone desires healthy and beautiful-looking skin.
But incredible levels of pollution and extended exposure to sun can badly impact one's skin cells, and thus ruin skin health.
However, don't worry, there are certain measures that you can take so as to score great skin health.
Here are five simple tips to get golden-glowing skin this summer season.
Drink plenty of water on a daily-basis
For more reasons than one, staying dehydrated is a bad idea. Also, it is a disaster for your skin health.
So make sure you drink plenty of water for getting beautiful, glowing, and healthy skin.
Doctors usually recommend a daily intake of 8 to 12 glasses.
And come to think of it, could skincare get any easier?
Get rid of stress to score good skin health
A Stanford University study suggests that students who feel more tensed during exam time have more severe acne-breakouts than the ones who are stress-free.
Stress releases certain hormones in body, like cortisol, that are responsible for making skin oilier and can reduce its ability to fight acne causing bacteria.
To keep stress at bay, try recreational activities like running, meditation, yoga etc.
Keep sun exposure in check
It's a no-brainer to minimize your sun exposure if you want a healthier skin.
But mind it, sun can enter your space in more ways than you expect.
Sometimes, indoor sun-rays trespassing like at home, in office, or in cars can also damage your skin health.
We suggest you to always use sunscreen and to wear full-sleeve clothing, to reduce your indoor sun-exposure.
Sound, full night's sleep is imperative for skin care
Research indicates that insufficient sleep can cause acne and other skin problems.
This is because lack of sleep induces stress, which further releases coritsol and other hormones, that are known to ruin skin health.
So, we suggest you to make it a habit to get a satisfying, sound 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Go for natural skincare products only
Certain unnatural and packaged skin and hair care products, ie. conditioners, creams etc. can block the pores on your skin and cause acne, among other issues.
A general piece of advice would be to avoid such skincare products that contain wax or oil in them, and opt for more natural options, like water-based skincare products.