Upset with treatment, Assam tea body slams 'chaiwala' PM Modi
What's the story
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who often refers to himself as chaiwala, has been slammed by the largest tea body of Assam for not being considerate enough towards tea workers.
The Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha (ACMS) on Sunday urged PM Modi to deliver on his promise of giving Rs. 350 daily to workers.
General Secretary Rupesh Gowala said in last four years, promises weren't fulfilled.
They were promised interim hike but nothing happened
In Assam's Brahmaputra Valley tea workers get Rs. 167/day and in Barak valley they get Rs. 147.
Gowala said the wage agreement between ACMS and Assam government expired on December 31, 2017.
An interim hike of Rs. 30 per day was announced, to be applied from January 1, 2018, but now they were told they will get the money from March 1, 2018.
The 'chaiwalas' are upset with 'chaiwala' PM
"If this happens, the 10,00,000 tea garden laborers will lose Rs. 30 each day for two months. Is it a "chaiwala" Prime Minister who is doing this to his own community?" Gowala asked.
They want promises to be fulfilled before 2019 starts
Gowala said PM Modi addressed multiple rallies before 2014 promising a better wage, and he demanded that before New Year this promise is honored.
About the condition of state-owned farms, he said, "While the laborers in a company-owned garden are receiving a wage of Rs. 167/day, the 26,000 workers under the 14 gardens of state-owned Assam Tea Company Limited (ATCL) are receiving Rs. 115/ day."