#HealthBytes: 5 Yoga asanas to help you lose weight
What's the story
A healthy weight not only makes you look smart and attractive, it is also important for your overall physical and mental health, as obesity could be an undue invitation to diabetes, stroke, heart disease, among other problems.
Talking about Yoga, it's an incredibly powerful weight management tool, apart from promising you muscle strength and flexibility.
Here are 5 asanas to help you lose weight.
Sarvangasana can help you burn belly fat
Start by lying on your back, with knees slightly bent, and feet in the air. Keep your hands flat on the floor, and use them to roll yourself back on your upper back. You may bring your hands to your lower back for support and to keep yourself upright.
Slowly, extend your legs toward the ceiling.
Hold for 5-6 breaths. Relax, and repeat.
Perform The Lord of the Dance pose for weight loss
Beginning from a standing position, hold your left ankle with your left hand. Shift your weight forward, and place your right hand on your right knee for support.
Now, lean forward, arching your back, and pressing outward with you left foot.
Keeping your left leg straight, slowly extend your right arm as forward as you can.
Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.
Ardha Navasana
The Ardha Navasana will give you a flat tummy
Start by sitting on your yoga mat, with your legs stretched out in front of you, and palms facing the floor. Start raising your legs, upto a level, so that your knees are at 45 degrees angle and the lower part of your legs parallel to the ground.
Now, raise your arms parallel to the ground.
Hold for 30 seconds. Relax, then repeat.
The Bakasana will help you burn calories really fast
Begin from a low-squat position, with your hands on the ground and fingers spread wide.
Now, using your tiptoes, lift your legs, and try to place your knees on the edge of your upper arms.
Slowly shift your body weight forward, then lift your toes up the ground, leg by leg.
Hold the position for as long as possible.
Practise daily, to lose weight.
Warrior II
Warrior II is a simple yet effective weight-loss position
Stand straight with your legs spread 3-4 feet apart. Now turn your right foot outward at 90 degrees angle, and your left foot inwards by about 15 degrees.
Spread out your arms, parallel to the ground, on both sides, at shoulder height, with palms facing downwards.
Hold the position for about 30 seconds.
Relax, and then repeat on the other side.