How could 'Game of Thrones' kill their final boss already?
What's the story
Game of Thrones had fans shake after this week's episode. The Long Night was literally dark and full of errors.
The episode concluded The Great War between the living and the dead that the fantasy series had been building up since its pilot, and it's all thanks to the HBIC Arya Stark.
But was it really the right time for this storyline to end?
Arya Stark, certainly ambidextrous, is the death of death
So the Night King (NK) takes his army to Winterfell, and obliterates the castles. There is only like a handful of survivors.
When all seems lost, Arya sneaks past NK's lieutenants, leaps up at him, and (God bless this ambidextrous child) shanks him right in the gut.
With the NK gone, his entire army crumbles, leaving a lot of bodies to be cleaned up.
How will 'Game of Thrones' ever top that?
The final boss is defeated. This is The Song of Ice and Fire, but the ice has melted 'cause of climate change or something.
So, NK's dead. We've seen The Great War. What could be greater than that?
It's like when you take your kid to Disneyland one birthday and you realize it was a mistake, 'cause how are you going to top that?
NK: Is the primary antagonist. Also NK: Dies in seconds
Let's revisit the hair-raising fear when NK's army hits Hardhome, or when he slaughtered a freaking dragon with his Olympics-worthy throwing hand, or heck, even when the Dothraki horde got wiped out in seconds.
Game of Thrones has been building up to this climax, letting us know that the baddest dudes there are, which makes his two-second-long murder seen pretty underwhelming.
Arya and NK deserved better than that short 'fight'
We're not doubting Arya. She's hands down the most accomplished assassin. She's 100% that b***h. It's even prophesied in Season 3 that she would end the Night King.
But they couldn't bother giving her a decent fight-scene?
NK had fire immunity, mind control over his army, could resurrect the dead and literally radiated ice.
Both Arya and NK deserved better than that.
What next?
How do they expect Cersei to be a worse threat?
For a second, let's forgive the show makers for that lazy fight scene. But what now? Do they really expect us to believe Cersei Lannister is more of a threat than actual ice zombies? Who even is she? And without her elephants?
Arya has 'chivved the Night King' listed on her resume under miscellaneous. Cersei is literally a one-person job for Arya, no biggie.
We ain't settling for a basic human-on-human war now
It seems Game of Thrones has peaked too early.
We wanted to see humans going up against the army of the dead and now we've seen it, with aerial dragon fight scenes as our special reward.
How could anything be any better?
Our spoiled-a***s aren't going to settle for a human war in the finale. That's too basic for us now!