Who plays who in 'Dexter: Original Sin'
The prequel series of the beloved show Dexter, Dexter: Original Sin, premiered on Paramount+ and Showtime last week. The series explores the early life of Dexter Morgan, played by Patrick Gibson. It tracks his evolution from a college graduate to a serial killer under the tutelage of his adoptive father, Harry. The show will run for 10 episodes with a finale scheduled for February 14, 2025. Let's track who plays who in this series.
Patrick Gibson steps into Dexter Morgan's shoes
Gibson, an Irish actor best known for his performances in The Tudors and Netflix's Shadow and Bone, plays young Dexter Morgan. This casting choice has piqued the interest of fans who were once critical of the "de-aging" techniques employed in flashback scenes of the original series. In Original Sin, Gibson's character struggles with his burgeoning killer instincts while attempting to protect his younger sister Deb from harm.
Christian Slater plays Harry Morgan in 'Dexter: Original Sin'
Christian Slater, known for his roles in iconic films such as True Romance and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, plays Dexter's adoptive father, Harry Morgan. In the series, Harry is a homicide detective who sees a sinister side within Dexter. He tries to instill a moral code in Dexter to keep him from killing innocent people and getting caught by law enforcement.
Molly Brown, Christina Milian, James Martinez play key roles
Molly Brown plays Debra or Deb, Harry's daughter, and Dexter's sister in the show. According to the timeline, she is a senior in high school. One might know her from Evil or The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Another key character from the OG show returns, Maria LaGuerta, this time, played by Christina Milian. James Martinez plays Angel Batista, and we'll see how his friend/guide relationship began with the Morgan siblings.
Harry's code and Dexter's forensics internship
Knowing Dexter is bound to become a serial killer, Harry teaches him to channel his urges toward other killers who have escaped justice. This becomes the foundation of "Harry's Code" that Dexter follows all his life. The series also delves into young Dexter's struggles as he begins a forensics internship at the Miami Metro Police Department while attempting to stay off law enforcement's radar.