#ComicBytes: Marvel characters who can break the fourth wall
What's the story
A phrase adapted from plays, breaking the fourth wall, in general, is used when a character shows his/her/their awareness of the audience, by ignoring the barrier between reality and directly interacting with them.
The show and play Fleabag used this in recent times for comic effects.
There are some Marvel characters who like to break the fourth wall as well.
Here we list them.
Deadpool is the best fourth wall breaker of all time
Deadpool is fully aware that he is a comic book character. This was well utilized in the movies too.
He often breaks the fourth wall to comment on his own comic and the reader, by referencing previous issues and his own narration in 'little yellow boxes.'
One time he even cut open his own page to yell something to himself earlier in the issue.
Loki taught Deadpool how to break the fourth wall
Deadpool learned how to break the fourth Wall from Loki, who tried to trick him into killing Thor.
Honestly what kind of God of Mischief would let himself be constrained by plot? This Norse trickster frequently breaks the fourth wall to mock heroes or interact with the reader.
In Journey into Mystery, Loki even asked the readers to write him a fan-fiction.
She-Hulk is among the first characters to break the wall
Before Rob Liefeld gave us Deadpool, in John Byrne's Sensational She-Hulk series (1989), Jennifer Walters continuously broke the fourth wall.
For 50 issues, both She-Hulk and Byrne entertained fans with interactive plots, covers, and panels.
Apart from doing a Demi Moore Vanity Fair magazine cover parody, in one particular story, she ripped through the page to travel through an advertisement.
Rick Jones
Rick Jones, a prominent side character, has "Comics Awareness"
At the end of the 2004 Captain Mar-Vell series, while Marvel acquired "Cosmic Awareness", a prominent side-character, Rick Jones received "Comics Awareness."
This ability did not manifest in fourth-wall breaking until the cosmic entity Eulogy comes in to take away the world. Through his awareness, Jones knew that actually the comics were canceled.
Quite dramatically, the comic itself rolled up to other out-of-print characters.