GoT: Jon Snow is a fascinating character. Here's why
What's the story
The rightful king (hopefully!) of the seven kingdoms, Jon Snow has had a whirlwind of a journey in Game of Thrones.
He has been insulted, injured, and even killed just because he is who he is. In a world of magic, however, even death isn't permanent.
As the final season approaches, here are some facts about Jon Snow that are completely worth your time.
The True King
He has the most legitimate claim to the throne [Spoilers]
Sorry Daenerys fans, but Jon's claim to the throne is more legit than the mother of dragons.
Why is a bastard the rightful king, you ask? Turns out, he is the son of Lyanna Stark (Ned's sister) and Rhaegar Targaryen (Dany's brother) and his real name is Aegon Targaryen.
He symbolizes both ice (Stark) and fire (Targaryen) and is a man of honor.
Man of Magic
The first person to experience (almost) all magic and mysticism
Jon Snow is the first person in all of Westeros to come in contact with both Dragons and White Walkers.
He is also one of the first people (current timeline) to kill a White Walker with Valyrian Steel.
He has experienced the might of the Lord of Light when he was resurrected from the dead.
He even has powers to warg in the books.
Azor Ahai Reborn
The one who might bring salvation to the world
Fans of GoT know the legend of Azor Ahai. He is the 'Prince who was promised' and ended the reign of White Walkers thousands of years ago.
It was prophesied that he will be reborn and rid the world of White Walkers for good.
Jon might be Azor Ahai's second coming as he has a Valyrian Steel sword and symbolizes both ice and fire.
The Lord Commander
His time with the Night's Watch has been quite interesting
He was the 998th and second youngest Lord Commander of the Night's Watch who made a truce with the wildlings. He was subsequently killed by his own sworn brothers.
He came back, executed them and left his post because since he died, his watch had ended.
His sword, Longclaw was given to him by the previous Lord Commander, Jeor Mormont (father of Jorah Mormont).