#ComicBytes: Five strongest characters in DC Universe
What's the story
Unlike Marvel, DC is known for portraying human superheroes.
Many of their heroes do not even have superpowers, the most famous being Batman.
Still, DC has introduced several powerful characters that could match Marvel. Some of the fan favorites are Superman and his nemesis Darkseid.
The DC Universe, however, extends beyond all this and has characters with godlike powers.
Read about them here.
Elaine Belloc
The angels came down with a child
Elaine Belloc was created for the Lucifer series in DC comics. Her character is the daughter of the archangel Michael.
She is guided by Michael as well as Lucifer on her quests. However, Elaine's true rise to power comes when her father, Michael dies, handing over his powers of creation to her.
Elaine then proceeds to merge universes and become the 'God' of creation.
The seed of all creation in DC universe
The archangel Michael Demiurgos existed before the creation of the DC Universe itself.
He and his brother Samael were born and given powers of creation as well. Samael got fire and will, while Michael got creation and 'Demiurgic' power.
Bestowed with this massive power, Michael not only created the entire DC universe but also enabled the physical creation of the cosmos.
Talk about godlike!
Lucifer Morningstar
Sympathy for the devil
As mentioned earlier, two brothers Samael and Michael were created before the DC Universe. However, Samael revolted against God and took the name of Lucifer.
Despite the power of fire and will, Lucifer was defeated and sent to preside over hell.
Possessing powers like divine magic, soul creation, Lucifer is known for his disobedience wherein he gave hell's keys to Dream and retired.
There's a spectre haunting DC, the Spectre of Vengeance
Since the Spectre is an aspect of God himself, he is one of the strongest characters in DC.
Specifically, Spectre embodies God's vengeance.
Several notable occurrences have been attributed to Spectre including the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the plagues in Egypt.
However, the Spectre was commanded to merge with human identities through their souls and roam the earth in search of vengeance.
The Presence
Can you feel the presence of omnipotence?
The Presence first appeared in 'More Fun in Comics', 1940 and was created by Bernard Bailey and Jerry Siegel as an equal of the Abrahamic God.
The Presence created Lucifer and Michael, making it DCU's most powerful character.
Possibly DC's realism ensures that the Presence does not appear in many comics and is only referred to by names like Yahweh, The Source among others.