#ComicBytes: Five best weapons of Wonder Woman
What's the story
Wonder Woman first appeared in DC comics in 1941 and has been inspiring girls for 75 years, proving they can be as strong, if not stronger than male counterparts.
Princess Diana of Themyscira was made from clay by mother Hippolyta and brought to life by Zeus, her father.
Blessed with powers by the Gods of the Greek Pantheon, here are Wonder Woman's best weapons.
Long distance travel options
Initially, Wonder Woman was not given the power of flight in comics. Therefore, she needed a jet to travel great distances.
Thus came in the Invisible Jet, which could travel at speeds of 2,000 miles per hour and land soundlessly as a feather.
The comics later revealed the jet as the Wonderdome, which has the ability to morph itself into various forms.
Stick them with the pointy end
Wonder Woman's sword is one of her primary weapons.
Being an extraordinary melee warrior, she is more than adept at wielding it.
However, her sword is not just an ordinary weapon. It has the magical capability to harm and even kill invulnerable beings including Superman, whose one of few weaknesses is magic.
Notably, her sword is sharp enough to split atoms.
Royal Tiara
A crown for a warrior
Wonder Woman's tiara is a sign of her Amazonian royalty.
While the tiara has seen many variations in comics, it has always had a star in the center.
Originally gifted to her for helping an alien world, it has become a part of her arsenal.
The tiara's sharp edges along with Diana's strength make it a dangerous throwing weapon, which boomerangs back to her.
Bracing herself for battle
Forged from the shield of Zeus, Wonder Woman's bracelets can deflect any attacks including bullets, melee strikes, and can also emit lightning blasts making it an offensive weapon.
When she crosses the bracelets, it emits a force field strong enough to stop Darkseid's Omega Beams.
Notably, the bracelets also constrict her powers, as removing them sends her into an uncontrollable rage.
The whole truth and nothing but the truth
Forged into a weapon by Hephaestus, the lasso originally comes from Golden Girdle of Gaea.
Besides having enormous strength and magical lengths, the lasso compels people to tell the truth when caught in it. It can dispel illusions, restore memories and protect people and their sanity from magical attacks.
Notably, the lasso can also be used to make people unquestioningly obey the wielder.