'Spider-Man: No Way Home' is the final 'Spider-Man 3' title
What's the story
Marvel is not messing with you, this time.
Just a day after lead actors Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, and Tom Holland kept fans totally confused with simultaneous campaigning of three different titles for Spider-Man 3, they announced the real title.
It is Spider-Man: No Way Home.
To prove its authenticity, the three actors cooked up a short, funny skit as well.
Instagram post confirmed the film's title
Instagram handle spidermanmovie uploaded a video about 12 hours ago, which had the following caption: This, we can confirm. #SpiderManNoWayHome only in movie theaters this Christmas (sic).
The funny video tried to make fans believe that the three actors were actually misled by someone in the company, who has been circulating fake movie titles.
The video starts with the office nameplate of director Jon Watts.
'They gave us a fake name again'
In the video, Holland was seen exiting Watts's office as Zendaya and Batalon waited for him.
Holland said, "They gave us a fake name again."
Batalon and Zendaya then started pulling Holland's leg, commenting that giving fake names to him is not surprising, since he keeps spoiling things.
Holland defended himself, daring them to point toward one thing that he actually spoiled.
The makers revealed the name in a funny manner
As the three walked away from the director's office, Zendaya responded to Holland's challenge, saying he just spoiled "the last movie's title."
The three were then seen going past the camera, which zoomed in on a whiteboard that showed several rough ideas of the film's title.
Most of the titles were struck off with the one at the center reading Spider-Man: No Way Home.
Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire haven't been cast, claimed Holland
The movie piqued the interests after it was speculated that former Spidey-suit users Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire had been roped in.
However, Holland dismissed these rumors saying, "It would be amazing if they were because they haven't told me that yet. I've read the script from beginning to the end, so it'll be a miracle if they could've kept that from me. (sic)"