#ComicBytes: Smartest Marvel characters who put the Gods to shame
What's the story
There are two ways to survive in the world of comics. Either you gain immeasurable power and fight your way through everything or you become so intelligent that you are able to thrive.
While characters like Drax and Thor have it figured out with their brawn, some characters use their intelligence and prove to be stronger when it actually counts.
Here're some such characters.
Bruce Banner
A rare combination of superlative brain and destructive brawn
People who come from broken homes either become the worst or build themselves to be the best.
Bruce Banner comes in the second category. He was abused by his father but saved himself with the power of books and learning.
He became one of the most intelligent beings out there and subsequently, because of an accident, became the strongest being as well- The Hulk.
Hank Pym
An IQ so high, it can't be measured by mortals
Sometimes being a genius comes with its own demerits.
In Hank Pym's case, the demerits came in the form of multiple personality disorder and clinical depression.
He's definitely in the top three smartest humans but has spent a little too much time alone.
Pym became the Ant-man and did a lot of good things, but ultimately created one of the worst villains ever- Ultron.
Moon Girl
The most talented 9-year-old in any universe
She is a fourth grader and already one of the smartest people in the universe. By the time she becomes an adult, she could actually become the smartest of them all!
Her name is Lunella Lafayette AKA Moon Girl and her intelligence comes from the fact that she's part human, part Inhuman.
An inventor and an expert hacker, the 9-year-old is an unstoppable force.
Reed Richards
The undisputed king when it comes to brains
Reeeed Richards (his name stretched) AKA Mr. Fantastic is the leader of the Fantastic Four and the most intelligent man in the Marvel Universe.
He's a polymath who not only has countless patents but also works towards solving problems pertaining to inter-dimensional travel and alien technology.
His brain is ever-evolving and his creations impact the whole multiverse.
On top of this, he's a superhero!