#ComicBytes: Powerful teams of DC apart from Justice League
What's the story
Justice league, the team of the greatest heroes of the DC universe, has played a key role in every big event.
From Justice League International to Justice League Task Force, the team has so many versions that it would require a separate article.
However, the impact of the group is so huge that it often overshadows the other equally important DC teams.
Here's more.
The Justice Society of America is DC's original super team
The Justice Society of America was the first superhero team-up in DC.
Founded by Atom, Doctor Fate, the Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Hourman, Sandman, and the Spectre, this team was part of the All-Star Squadron during World War II.
Presently, the team's revamped yet still-powerful version, Wonders of the World combines the heroes of the Golden Age with their modern descendants.
Legion of Super-Heroes
The 30th century inter-galactic team, the Legion of Super-Heroes
The Legion of Super-Heroes is a 30th Century inter-galactic team made up of super-powered teenagers and young adults from different planets in the organization known as the United Planets.
Founded by Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl and funded by R.J. Brande, this team is one of the largest and most advanced (duh, they are from the future) groups in DC.
Legion of Doom
The Legion of Doom: DC's most powerful evil team
When it comes to villainous teams, Suicide Squad usually pops up as the first name. But the Legion of Doom is actually the worthiest opponent of Justice League.
An assembly of the arch-nemeses of all Justice League heroes, this team is typically led by Lex Luthor.
They even saved the world once, when Justice league was defeated by their own evil versions from Earth-3.
Doom Patrol
Doom Patrol: The under-dog team of misfits with superpowers
A group of misfits with superpowers, Doom Patrol is an underrated super team.
Founded by Robotman, Elasti-Girl (now Elasti-Woman), Negative Man and the Chief (Niles Clauder), this family of under-dogs takes on bizarre problems, which are too weird for other teams.
Initially deemed similar to Marvel's X-Men, the current line-up of the team is a mix of the best incarnations of the original members.
Teen Titans
Teen Titans: The group of young side-kicks
Starting out as a team of young side-kicks who wanted to come out of their mentors' shadows, the Teen Titan gradually became the perfect teenage superheroes team.
While Aqualad, Kid Flash, Robin, Speedy, and Wonder Girl founded the team, they expanded gradually with newer additions.
Currently, this team of crime-fighting vigilantes includes Kid Flash, Crush, and Djinn, and is led by Damian Wayne.