'Moon Knight' episode-5 review: Explanatory, yes, still a hotchpotch
What's the story
After four weeks of unfulfillment, Marvel's latest series Moon Knight finally gives us the window to Marc Spector's mind in its fifth and penultimate episode.
Coming down from the zenith that was the fourth episode, this week's tale is satisfying, yet quite difficult to invest in.
The fifth episode dropped on Disney+ Hotstar earlier on Wednesday.
Here's our review.
This is what the pristine psych ward actually meant
After Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke) shot Spector (Oscar Isaac) in Egypt, the latter woke up in a psychiatric ward last week.
Steven Grant (Isaac) was also present as a physically separate person.
Now, we find out Spector was actually shot and is in a temporary plane before permanently traveling to the afterlife.
But to stop Harrow, Spector must return to the land of living.
Haphazard journey through fragmented memories can be tough to follow
And, the only way to return is for Spector and Grant to "balance the scales," which is through opening up to each other.
Director Mohamed Diab makes sure the journey through memories is haphazard and broken, alluding to the fact that these are fragmented memories of fragmented personalities.
However, following everything that's happening requires utmost focus from the viewer, which can be straining.
Is it necessary for Marvel shows to have patchy CGI?
Another factor tugging me down this week was the patchy computer graphics.
Now it seems like every Marvel series has sworn to go cheap as far as the CGI is concerned.
Momentary slacks in the narrative here and there are made up by the ultimate backstory reveal of our protagonist(s).
So, overall one walks out satisfied from this.
Let preparations for the finale begin!
Ever since the series premiered, we've been waiting to understand Spector's origin.
While that finally happens in the fifth episode, we're apprehensive if it was too late.
Now, Moon Knight has only one episode to tie everything up into a coherent bow. Or, blow it all up leading to another season.
Either way, waiting for next Wednesday will be hard.
Verdict: 3.5/5 stars.