Jared Leto's 5 most extreme transformations that left us stunned
What's the story
Jared Leto is a method actor.
And, just like any performer par excellence, he also goes to extreme lengths for a particular role, some of which even scares his co-actors.
For his latest film Morbius, Leto underwent intense weight loss to essay the role of Dr. Michael Morbius.
In this light, let's see which other times he left us stunned with extreme transformations.
'House of Gucci' (2021)
Before Morbius, the Hollywood actor was last seen in House of Gucci as Paolo Gucci.
And, for this he needed to be overweight and balding.
Leto took the help of Academy Award nominated makeup artist Göran Lundström, sat through the extensive and time-consuming prosthetics and makeup session and transformed himself to Paolo.
"I love a physical transformation," gushed Leto while promoting the film.
'Dallas Buyers Club' (2013)
In Dallas Buyers Club, Leto plays a drug addict, HIV+ transwoman named Rayon.
He shaved his entire body, from head to toe, and lost almost 30 pounds to get the willowy frame.
Further, he stayed as Rayon for 25 days after the shoot concluded.
"This kind of performance, you've to modulate it or it becomes too campy," he had said at a film festival.
'Requiem for a Dream' (2000)
Requiem for a Dream saw Leto as drug addict Harry Goldfarb and to get his thin frame, he gave up s*x and ate so less that he lost 25 pounds!
But, this created troubles for him.
"I started fainting on the set. My bone marrow dropped 400 points. My liver f****d up. It was a painful place, but it was rewarding," he shared once.
'Chapter 27' (2007)
For portraying John Lennon's killer Mark Chapman in Chapter 27, Leto added 62 pounds to his weight, but it gave him gout!
He gorged on pizza, pasta, and Häagen-Dazs ice cream mixed with olive oil and soy sauce to add on the fat.
But his "cholesterol spiked so fast that my doctors wanted to put me on Lipitor," he told The Guardian.
'Blade Runner 2049' (2017)
Now, Leto's preparation for Blade Runner 2049 was a bit different than the rest.
For his role as Niander Wallace, a blind sinister genetic food magnate, he insisted on wearing milky-hued contacts so that his vision gets obstructed.
"He could not see at all. He was walking with an assistant, very slowly...Everyone was in awe," director Denis Villeneuve had told a portal.