Game of Thrones' incest plot causes Australian street name change
What's the story
The idea of naming an Australian road, in Charlemont Rise, a suburb of Geelong, Victoria to Lannaster Road after Cersei Lannister and her brother Jaime from the hit TV series Game of Thrones, didn't go so well.
The developers in the suburb had given streets names like Snow, Stannis and Greyjoy, to celebrate the series. However, here they had to refrain.
Here's why.
That's innovative
Apparently, residents have raised the flag saying that it's off- putting to name a street after an incestuous couple. After all, it is not that desirable to live in a street whose name gives off such indications.
Although the Lannisters make for good drama, a street bearing their title is not a good idea.
The street has now been christened as the Precinct Road.
Subtle much?
Not so subtle
Project manager of the new development, Gary Smith appeared nonplussed by the entire affair. "I even changed the spelling to make it not as obvious," said Smith.
But, you didn't do a very good job there. Did you, Gary?
The residents have "objected to that fact that it had a reference to incest... it's a fictional series."
That shouldn't really come as a surprise.
That's not how you do it, Gary
City of Greater Geelong administrator Laurinda Gardner said, road names should not "be detrimental to the preservation of longstanding community values".
However, Gary said that he had gone ahead with it, as he was struggling with devising original street names. He quips, "You've got to think outside the box; we were getting so many names rejected. That's why we went for Game of Thrones."