#ComicBytes: Move over Thanos; these Marvel characters are insanely powerful
What's the story
Do you think Thanos is Marvel's most powerful character? Think again, because Marvel is much larger than its cinematic universe.
There are several personalities in comics who can decimate planets, universes, and alter the very fabric of reality.
These cosmic beings rarely participate in battles, choosing to observe/control things from the sidelines.
Here are the most powerful Marvel characters with near-infinite powers and abilities.
Infinity, Eternity
Cosmic entities who can shape reality however they see fit
Whenever someone like Thanos gains too much power (read the Infinity Gauntlet), cosmic entities Eternity and Infinity act as the last line of defense.
Eternity contains all there is in the Marvel Universe while Infinity, his sister, represents the unlimited potential of existence.
The siblings control everything but never actively participate in the universe's affairs, rather choosing heralds like Doctor Strange.
A near-immortal being who devours planets to satiate his hunger
Before the Big Bang when the universe as we know it didn't exist, Galactus lived on his home planet of Taa as Galan.
He survived the Big Bang but was changed into a cosmic being Galactus who, in order to satiate his hunger, started devouring worlds.
He has near-limitless powers and loyal heralds like Silver Surfer and Nova, who find new planets for him.
An ultra-powerful entity from the infinite realm beyond Marvel Multiverse
The Beyonder is arguably the most powerful entity in the Marvel universe. He once killed death itself.
He is omnipotent but arrogant. He does seem curious about the universe, which is why he hasn't destroyed it yet.
He exists beyond dimensions and sources his powers from the 'Beyond' realm, which is exponentially larger than the Marvel multiverse.
He once crushed Galactus like a bug.
The Living Tribunal
Not even the fully-powered Infinity Gauntlet can harm him
The Living Tribunal oversees and controls the actions of everyone. He can be considered the very embodiment of all there is.
He is a singular entity but exists in multiple dimensions at the same time. His responsibility is to maintain the universe's cosmic balance.
With limitless powers, he serves the One Above All and can only be tested by the Beyonder.
One Above All
The progenitor, overseer, and controller of everything. The ultimate being
One-Above-All is the supreme entity in the Marvel Universe. He created everything and is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
With unlimited, incalculable and immeasurable power, he can create, preserve, and destroy anything or anyone in the universe.
The Living Tribunal serves him and in theory, he can be considered the comics-version of Stan Lee and/or Jack Kirby.
He can take any physical form he wants.