#ComicBytes: Five fastest Marvel characters
What's the story
Over 70 years of Marvel comics, the universe has spawned some incredibly fast characters. While they are not technically speedsters, which remains the domain of DC, these characters can reach incredible speeds.
Amazingly, most of these characters don't even include super speed as one of their primary powers. Nonetheless, their phenomenal speeds would make your head spin.
Read about the five fastest Marvel characters.
Introducing the speedy rider
Nova or Richard Rider was included in the Nova Corps as a teenager and received the powers of speed, strength, and flight.
His direct link to the Nova Force, his primary energy source, gives him powers which he has honed over the years.
Nova is one of the few cosmic heroes capable of light-speed travel and often surpasses it while traveling across the universe.
Silver Surfer
Surfing the waves of speed
Norrin Radd or the Silver Surfer is one of the most powerful cosmic beings in the Marvel Universe.
He started his character arc as the herald of Galactus, devourer of worlds before he changed sides and became a hero.
Surfer was always capable of super speeds as he zipped across the universe on his board, reaching the speed of light with comparative ease.
Adam Warlock
Speed of time travel
Adam Warlock is best known in the Marvel Universe for his role during Infinity War, where he helped defeat Thanos.
One of Warlock's abilities is to be almost everywhere in the universe. He achieves this through incredible speeds.
He has the capacity to move faster than visual processing of information, but in space, Warlock reaches supraluminal speeds, faster than light, letting him time travel.
The feats of Gods
A member of the Eternals, immortal humanoids with powers, Makkari is known for stamina and super speed.
Going by the name of Mercury and Hurricane, Makkari started his fight against WWII fascism but soon joined other cosmic entities to fight omega-level threats.
His most notable speeding accomplishment was defeating Runner, the fastest Marvel character, who we shall come to next, in a race.
Faster than the speed of thought
Runner or Gilpetperdon is one of Marvel's Elders, who were immortals coming into existence after the Big Bang.
Like other Elders, Runner has access to the Power Primordial, energy remnants after the Big Bang, which he uses for various powers including unmatched speed.
Runner's speed can transport him to any place in the universe even before deciding he actually wants to go there.