#ComicBytes: List of astonishing powers of Doctor Strange
What's the story
The master of mystic arts is no 'stranger' to extraordinary powers. He has been the Sorcerer-Supreme of Earth for a long time now, and has faced some pretty powerful enemies.
Doctor Strange, however, always has a trick or two up his sleeve. Sometimes it is a secret skill, other times there are ancient weapons and hidden spells.
Here are some of his lesser-known powers.
Martial Arts
A magician who can hold his own in a fistfight
What good is a sorcerer who can't stand some physical blows? Heroes often face situations where magic alone does not suffice.
Thus, Doctor Strange is well versed in martial arts, and has extensively trained under the tutelage of the Ancient One and Wong.
He is a strong fighter who even slowed down Wolverine with physical strength alone when he became out of control!
Astral Projection
Existing in a different form, in a different plane
As seen in the MCU film, The Ancient One as well as Doctor Strange can 'astral project'.
With this ability, Strange can send his spirit out of his physical body into the Astral Plane (a spiritual world).
He can't be seen or heard by anyone in this form and it comes in handy while investigating a case.
The only downside- his body remains unguarded.
What's real can hurt you, what isn't can destroy you
We are talking about illusions and Doctor Strange is a master illusionist. He is so adept with this skill that he once made even the mighty Galactus scream in fear!
He usually projects multiple images of himself to confuse his opponents (as seen with Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War).
He can also use 'Images of Ikonn' and make people see their greatest fear.
Fire and Wind
A little bit of Storm, a little bit of Pyro
Just like the two mutants, Doctor Strange can manipulate wind and fire.
For wind, he invokes a magical being called Watoomb, who can manifest some powerful winds.
He can also invoke the Flames of the Faltine and produce a fire that can burn anything or anyone to the ground.
Notably, Faltine is a magical race and the notorious villain Dormammu belongs to it.
He who can live forever
Doctor Strange is practically immortal as he can live up to 600 years of age without actually aging!
In order to be a Sorcerer Supreme, one has to die and come back to prove that he doesn't fear death.
Doctor Strange has already passed his test and can only die of a battle wound. Natural causes can't age or kill him.