Deepika Padukone's advertisement for denim brand accused of plagiarism
What's the story
Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone's new advertisement for a popular denim brand is facing flak for copying the sets of a Netflix film titled Yeh Ballet.
The director of the movie Sooni Taraporevala posted a detailed note on Instagram pointing out the similarities and accusing Levi's of plagiarism.
The backdrop of the ad is said to be the same as the one in her film.
Advertisement's director plagiarized our set to the last detail: Taraporevala
In a long post, the director wrote, "I was shocked to see our Yeh Ballet dance studio set in this ad, because it was conceptualized & created out of a derelict space by Shailaja Sharma from scratch and dismantled after our shoot. (sic)"
"Basically @nadiaeye saw Yeh Ballet and decided to plagiarize our set down to the very last detail," she added.
'Copycat culture in India needs to be called out'
Taraporevala added, "Would Levi's and the director ever think of doing that in the west without permission/acknowledgment, and passing it off as their own creative work? This is not homage this is intellectual theft! (sic)"
She added the copycat culture in India needs to be "called out and canceled."
She clarified that she has no grudges against Padukone or any other cast member.
The production designer accepted the background was copied
Interestingly, Rupin Suchak, the production designer for the advertisement, admitted on Instagram that he was asked to create a similar set-up.
He reportedly said that he was directed by the advertisement's director Nadia Marquard Otzen to create the set like that of the movie.
He wrote, "Yes we did in fact that's what our director wanted so we had to recreate that. (sic)"
'Yeh Ballet' was produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur
Yeh Ballet had released on Netflix in 2020.
The film followed the story of two Mumbai kids, who nurtured the dream of learning and performing ballet dancing, much to the displeasure of their families and society.
The coming of the age film was produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur.
Meanwhile, the advertisement of the brand dropped last week garnering 4.5 million views in one day.