DC Universe: These are the best and noted anti-heroes
What's the story
Anti-heroes are the most complicated characters in any story because you can't categorize them as either good or bad.
DC Comics is full of holier than thou heroes, but it also has a fair share of violent vigilantes, who become anti-heroes to serve their own selfish motives.
Read ahead to find out DC's most popular, violent anti-heroes, who are interesting as well.
Black Adam
Black Adam has a different sense of justice
One of Shazam's fiercest foes, Black Adam starts out as a hero, which is followed by pure villainy. However, he mends his ways (kinda) when he saves Kahndaq.
As a former member of the Justice Society and the Injustice Society and the current ruler of Kahndaq, Adam can be merciless with his enemies.
With his magical demi-godly powers, he is a powerful character.
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn has an ambiguous relationship with morals
Harley Quinn has an ambiguous relationship with morals. Initially, this former psychologist becomes the princess of crime alongside Joker and wrecks major havoc.
However, in the New 52 DC, she becomes an anti-heroine after joining Suicide Squad, and fights crime. She even takes on Joker with the squad to prove her redemption.
Pretty deranged in many ways, Quinn is people's favorite psychotic anti-heroine.
Red Hood
Chronicling Jason Todd's journey from Robin to Red Hood
Jason Todd becomes Robin after Dick Grayson, and is known for his ready-to-shoot tendencies.
After his death in A Death In The Family, Talia al Ghul resurrects him with the power of the Lazarus Pit. This time, Jason becomes 'Red Hood', to attack criminals.
Unlike his former mentor Batman, Jason doesn't shy from using guns, which makes him a typical anti-hero.
Selina Kyle as Catwoman has her personal moral code
For someone who is villainous, but not an outright monster, Selina Kyle has her own moral code.
No matter how much Bruce tries to pull her to the good side, Catwoman just can't stop being a thief.
However, sometimes her good intentions show up and she teams up with Batman or decides to help Justice League.
Lobo is a powerful, but extremely selfish anti-hero
The one who's considered as the DC equivalent of Deadpool, Lobo is an indestructible biking bounty hunter, whose name literally translates to "He who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it."
Even with his violent characteristics and ultra selfish motives, Lobo, born on the utopian planet of Czarnia, has a strict moral code.
He's also often seen helping out superheroes during major DC events.