This Bengaluru-based start-up charges Re. 1 for 1GB data
What's the story
When Reliance Jio barged into India's telecom scene, mobile data prices plunged significantly, particularly for high-speed 4G.
Now, nearly four years after that turnaround, the telco and its competitors have started increasing prices again.
However, the good news is, another challenger is on the block: a start-up that is offering high-speed internet for just Re. 1 per GB.
Here's all about it.
Wifi Dabba and its affordable wireless internet services
Since 2016, Bengaluru-based Wifi Dabba has been setting up Gigabit Wi-Fi hotspots across different parts of the city.
Eventually, the company hopes to create a broad mesh network, which would show up the Wifi Dabba signal every time you switch your Wi-Fi on.
From there, the company says, you can simply connect and start browsing instantly at relatively low prices.
Pay as little as Re. 1/GB data
As per Wifi Dabba's website, users on its network only have to pay for the amount of data they need.
This means you can purchase as much or as little data as you want; the cost of 1GB, which most people would prefer while being out of their homes, would come around Re. 1.
Now, that's at least 360% less than what Jio charges.
You can even get internet for free
Along with affordable internet, Wifi Dabba also claims to offer a way to use its internet without paying anything.
However, in this particular case, you would either have to solve a puzzle or watch a video-based advert to get access.
The more videos or puzzles you solve, the company says, the more access you will get.
No other hidden fee, subscription, or installation charges
As the Wifi Dabba's services are hotspot based, like any other public Wi-Fi, you don't even have to pay any kind of subscription, sign-up, or installation fee to get access to low-cost or free internet.
How Wifi Dabba's mesh network works
That said, to make this happen and offer 100% coverage, Wifi Dabba utilizes a grid of 'supernodes' positioned across high-rise buildings and towers.
Meanwhile, they use lasers to transmit data at speeds up to 100GB/s with a range of more than 20km/supernode.
Ultimately, the company says it wants to ensure that every person in the city is within 1km of a supernode.
Users can register to get access to Wifi Dabba
Wifi Dabba claims to have deployed hundreds of Wi-Fi routers on the outlets of several small businesses. The services are active only in Bengaluru but users from other cities can register to help the company decide where they'd launch next.