Tips to decode your insurance declarations page
What's the story
In India, when you buy an insurance policy, the first document you get is the insurance declarations page.
Commonly known as the "dec page," it summarizes the most important details of your policy, like coverage limits, deductibles, and your personal info.
It's super important to understand this page to make sure your insurance is doing what you expect it to.
Policy number
Know your policy number
Every insurance policy has a unique identifier called the policy number.
This number is clearly indicated on the declarations page, and it is used as a reference for all communications with your insurance company.
If you're filing a claim or asking questions about your coverage, providing this number will facilitate a quicker and smoother process.
Understand coverage details
The declarations page summarizes your coverage, including specific limits.
For health insurance, it details the sum insured, room rent cap, and benefits like day care procedures.
For vehicle insurance, it defines coverage for theft, damage from natural calamities, and third-party liabilities.
You should review these details to ensure they align with your expectations when you bought the policy.
Check your premiums
Perhaps the most crucial detail on the declarations page is the premium amount - the cost you're paying for your coverage.
This section will outline not only the total premium but also any discounts applied, or extra fees like service tax (now subsumed under GST in India).
Knowing how your premium is determined can help you find ways to lower costs at the time of future renewals.
Deductibles explained
A deductible is the amount you commit to paying out-of-pocket before your insurance company covers any claims.
This amount greatly influences both your premium costs and out-of-pocket expenses during claims.
Higher deductibles generally lower your premiums but place more financial burden on you during an incident.
Choosing a deductible that is affordable but also provides financial security is crucial.
Personal info
Personal information accuracy
The declarations page lists your personal information, including your name, address, and contact details, as well as information about the insured property or beneficiaries, depending on the type of insurance (e.g., vehicle registration number for car insurance).
It's crucial to make sure everything is correct here - any mistakes could cause problems when it comes to filing claims or getting important updates from your insurer.